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الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2012

Are u an (A),a (B) or a (C)??

First time:

A:"We should do so and so"

B:"No, we should vote"

C:"I don't agree to what ever (A) says"

B:"I think it is fair to go as (C) thinks"

And a failure dooms the three.

Second time:

A:"We shouldn't do so and so"

B:"You were right last time, hope we listened, yet, let's ask (C)" !! (A) goes 180/120

C:"I feel disrespected by this talk, and again, I think we shouldn't follow (A)"!!

B:"I think this is fair enough, we will follow (C) only coz we made him feel that way"

And a fatal loss for the three is smiling at their idiocy,

Third time:

A:"This time I'll not let you both mess it, we will do so and so immediately and my way"

B:"That is the way you always lose other people appreciation and loyalty, I will not intervene this time, you talk to (C) your self" (A) turns red !!

C:"I can't hear you both, what are saying? anyway I will not do any thing, I think it is the time to wait and see"!! (A) shouts, try to punch (C), but he dies of stroke.!

This time the disaster happens, irreversible loss for all.

(A)s = 5%

(B)s = 20%

(C)s = 73.3 % !!

For all (C)s : Enjoy your life, these are your days, and nothing comes before a pretty child except a turbid ugly offensive fluid !!

For all (B)s : I hate you the most.

For all (A)s : you have a choice of four:

1- Continue fighting the windmills and die of a stroke in the head, or over it !!

2- Find another place were you can function, until the baby is born, and comeback.

3- Deceive your self by living in clusters, pretending there is no community around.

4- Deceive the community and force it to what you want by every diabolic way.

I am so sad...

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