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الاثنين، 24 يونيو 2013

The Wise kid with a conscience and the Narrow-headed instinct-slave Grown-up

*Wise kid with a conscience :

- Tiny, Active, Talkative, Observant and cares about details,

Always asks : HOW & WHY about himself and his environment ,

Urged to find or create answers for these questions.

. That is why he will sooner or later reach somewhere near to the essence of the truth.

- His dignity is more important for him than his physical and financial security (punishment with beating or cutting allowance),

. That is why no parent, teacher or government can enslave his mind, or enforce him into some places or actions he thinks it is immoral.

*Narrow-headed instinct-slave Grown-up :
- Usually relatively fat compared to what he should be according to his physical built, age and environment,

Coward when weak yet aggressive when owns power,

Lazy - as a life style - but gets active when whipped by fear or greed as any slave for his instinct would do,

Jealous from other people's assets and social achievements as a baby for his mother's breasts,

Have no brains enough to care for him self so- expectedly - doesn't care for other people or the world around him, even for his kids he chooses the easy way of raising them either by excessive violence or near complete negligence, and thus almost always he will have kids who will be - in the best chances - non thinking consuming sociopath pigs !

. That is why he doesn't volunteer for public activities, and his free time is almost always for more personal satisfactions,

Doesn't care about understanding religion and ideologies,

Thinks that spending time for philosophy & politics as a worthless childish act, but PlayStationing is manly enough to invite his friends over for !

Believes that the only right thing for humans to care for is finding a way to provide food & finding a place to dispense this food in after being digested !

- His ultimate dream is to consume up to indulgence,

Lives on junk food, listens to junk media, loves junk movies, enjoys creating junk conversations and ruining logic ones !

. That is why you won't find in his skull anything but junk ideas !

And that's why he uses the word "WISE KID" as an insult !

* Kids :

- Don't waste your lives following thoughts of a person who is severely less intelligent than you,

- Go classify yourselves, your older siblings and your parents, then but things in their right places,

- Start immediately now because life is shorter than you imagine !

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