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الثلاثاء، 20 سبتمبر 2011

the plan to kill any future stands or revolutions

by Ahmad Syiam on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 11:28am

this is intentialy planned for fourty years ago, to create the (donkey) citizine, who will make only noisy sounds but no real stands for his rights, works hard and his only demand is food. 

what you feel now is the phase all our parents got through at the same age at the beginning of this dark era, first, u lost hope to change, now lost interest to even say what u feel, but u still notice that u didn't say it. 

two years later, u will feel that is this is normal.

four years after, u will find ur self advising ur son not to object and concentrate his efforts for studying, then working, so that may be in the future he will have the power to change. 

then 10 years latter u will find ur self saying "that policy was the best for us, we didnt have civil war or starvations, look at Iraq and afganestan!!!". 

five years later, on an afternoon, u will feel hungry, and u want to tell ur wife that, but instead of words, u will find ur self-involuntarily- making a sound like (ehhh2222aaaaaa2222),

 u will feel strang, and u will run to the mirror, and u will see ur face became very long

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