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الثلاثاء، 16 أبريل 2013

Choose realistically where to raise your children some about Geniuses Averages and Civilization!

* Any human population is almost:
- 5% Geniuses,
- 5% Idiots,
- 90% Average people, and about them we will think now.

* Averages are the “Talking Apes” of every community!
They “imitate” what their community accepts as “normal”, but they never “produce”, “criticize” or “revise” those “norms”!

* This keeps the “social equilibrium”:

- This makes the society more functioning as it will behave like a powerful intelligent system made up of “relatively small thinking and ordering brain” and “huge multitask body organs”,
- And even though the “Geniuses” are numerical minority, they are still strong by the acquired authority of “dictating norms” to the “Averages”,
- And even though the “Averages” are in danger of tyranny of the “Geniuses”, they are still in a secure position made by their ability to break through this tyranny using their massive numerical majority!

* Civilization is the employment of higher complications of human thinking on life style and human behavior,
Civilization is produced by “Creative Geniuses” and sustained by “Imitating Averages”,

* So, unless you:

- Are a genius,
- Are sure that you will live to raise your children,
- Will have the proper availability for monitoring and guidance,
- Have both the ability and the will to do all that,

Please don’t raise your children neither in “Uncivilized” or “Decaying” communities!
Choose to raise your precious children in a community you want them to almost look like the majority of its citizens.


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